BAV sample portal

The smart online solution for fast results - with more than 1,000 users!

In our online sample portal, you can always view the latest and also past results of all the tests run on your samples (see also:

How you benefit:

  • fast results
  • new partial and final results e-mail notification
  • useful statistics
  • convenient sample registration
  • easy data export (Excel and XML)
  • original test reports PDF-archived

more informations (PDF)

Would you like to test our sample portal? You won’t commit yourself to anything. Please contact:

Conny Lechner | phone: 0781-96 94 7-13 | email: (for the food trades and communal catering)

Dirk Lorenz | phone: 0781-96 94 7-23 | email: (for food manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers)

Anne Steinberg | phone: 0781-96 94 7-22 | email: (for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals)