updated on 15.05.2019
Training event for food inspectors from 20 to 22 May 2019
From 20 to 22 May 2019 a training event of the Federal Association of Food Controllers will take place at the BAV Institute.
The seminar with current topics around food hygiene, food safety and food law
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updated on 09.05.2019
Publication of MOH orientation values
The LAV (Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft gesundheitlicher Verbraucherschutz) and the BLL (Bund für Lebensmittelrecht und Lebensmittelkunde e. V.) have published orientation values for mineral oil hydrocarbons in the following food categories on the basis of data already available from the monitoring and food industry:
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updated on 06.05.2019
Öko-Test tests shampoos - more than just a beautiful appearance?
A total of 41 conventional shampoos and natural cosmetics shampoos were examined in more detail in the current issue of Stiftung Warentest magazine. More than half (24 products) scored very good or good, 9 products were rated satisfactory, and the remaining 10 products were rated as maximum satisfactory.
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updated on 02.05.2019
US authority FDA inspects ice cream manufacturer
The FDA has performed monocytogenesis studies on Salmonella and Listeria from 89 ice cream manufacturers in 32 states. The checks revealed irregularities in some cases, which led to recalls in three cases.
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updated on 23.04.2019
Resistant germs in raw vegetables and salads
The BfR (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment) points out in its statement no. 13/2019 of 12 April 2019 that salads, fresh herbs or sprouts pre-cut for consumption and packaged in foil may contain germs that are hazardous to health, such as pathogens and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
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updated on 23.04.2019
Revised version of the Toolbox for Acrylamid
At the end of March, the 15th version of the Toolbox for Acrylamide was published by the European umbrella organisation FoodDrinkEurope.
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updated on 10.04.2019
Stiftung Warentest takes a closer look at lip gloss
A total of 16 lip gloss products were examined in more detail in the current April issue of Stiftung Warentest magazine.
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updated on 08.04.2019
Successful cosmetics seminar at the BAV Institute in cooperation with Concept Heidelberg
The seminar on "Microbiological quality management for cosmetics and non-sterile drugs" in the premises of the BAV Institute on April 03 and 04 was a complete success.
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updated on 28.03.2019
Chemical residues in cosmetic products and tattoo inks
Chemical residues in cosmetic products and tattoo inks repeatedly lead to non-commercial products and recalls from the market. Also this week, the following recalls were reported in the RAPEX system (European Union Rapid Alert System)
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updated on 27.03.2019
Microbiology of fruit salads as a convenience product
Products such as freshly prepared fruit salads and already sliced fruit are in vogue with consumers, as they do not have to purchase and prepare each type of fruit individually. A variation of fruit varieties such as pineapple, apple, strawberries, blueberries, (honey and/or water) melons, oranges and grapes are often represented.
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