Accreditation and

Accreditation and Permits

What is most important is that our laboratory's results are utterly reliable. That is why we have employed an extensive quality assurance system for many years now. Our staff use it every day.

And in this context, we also participate in external round-robin tests a number of times a year. Plus: our laboratory and QM system are audited, and receive high ratings, by both external auditors and our customers. We have got/are accredited :

The BAV Institute is also accredited for other areas of application that cannot be found in the certificate annex. See here the current list of testing procedures within the flexible scope.

Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask our QM officers, Dr. Klaus Hartmann and Iris Andrei!

Dr. Klaus Hartmann
Your contact person :

Dr. Klaus Hartmann

Phone: 0781-96 94 7-183

Iris Andrei
Your contact person:

Iris Andrei

Phone: 0781-96 94 7-160