If you are interested in a topic but cannot attend at the scheduled time, you can access the content of the online webinars/seminars at a later date.
If you are interested in a topic but cannot attend at the scheduled time, you can access the content of the online webinars/seminars at a later date.
Conny Lechner
Dirk Lorenz
Joelle Nussbaum
With a BAV online training, companies can train their staff flexibly as they see fit and easily meet all legal regulations.
The curriculum is easy to comprehend. The trainings impart important know-how and all participants will receive a training certificate.
We currently offer the following online trainings:
How you benefit from BAV online trainings:
Further information including a demo version can be found on the Internet at www.bav-onlineschulung.de
Do you have any questions? Give us a call, we will be happy to help.