

If need be, our specialists will gladly take samples at your plant or wherever. This can be a water and ambient conditions test (e.g. by contact plate, a swab or an airborne germ count) or stepwise tests.

Conny Lechner
Your contact for the areas of artisanal food producers, communal catering :

Conny Lechner

Phone: 0781-96 94 7-13

Dirk Lorenz
Your contact for food manufacturers and retailers :

Dirk Lorenz

Phone: 0781-96 94 7-23

Joelle Nussbaum
Your contact for cosmetics and pharmaceutical companies :

Joelle Nussbaum

Phone: 0781-96 94 7-243


BAV online trainings

With a BAV online training, companies can train their staff flexibly as they see fit and easily meet all legal regulations.

The curriculum is easy to comprehend. The trainings impart important know-how and all participants will receive a training certificate.

We currently offer the following online trainings:

  • hygiene training pursuant to Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004 (ca. 60 minutes)
  • briefing pursuant to § 43 Subsection 4 German Infection Protection Act (ca. 20 minutes)

How you benefit from BAV online trainings:

Food industry

  • Hygiene training in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004 (duration approx. 60 minutes)
  • Follow-up instruction according to §43 para. 4 Infection Protection Act (duration approx. 20 minutes)
  • HACCP basic training (duration approx. 60 minutes)

Cosmetics industry

  • Hygiene training for cosmetics businesses (duration approx. 60 minutes)

Your advantage

Advantages of BAV online training

  • can be carried out flexibly at any time
  • fast & cost-effective
  • ideal for new or follow-up training

Further information including a demo version can be found on the Internet at

Do you have any questions? Give us a call, we will be happy to help.

Karin Heinrich
Your contact person:

Karin Heinrich

Phone: 0781-96 94 7-0