Statements and
Expert opinions

opinions and expert opinions

As an independent and renowned institute, we are often asked for opinions or expert opinions, particularly if a customer has received a complaint. These opinions may be, e.g.:

  • an opinion if an authority has filed a complaint
  • an expert opinion on a customer complaint
  • durability tests on a new product and their evaluation
  • root-cause analysis in case of excessive results
  • what legal regulations and statutes apply?

We will give you individual support and sound advice!

Your security

Our quality standards

Accreditation according to DIN EN ISO 17025
Approval according to §44 Infection Protection Act
Official cross-check experts according to § 43 LFGB
Approval for the testing of drinking water (AQS certificate)

The BAV customer advisors are experts from the field. They are there to advise you with their experience.

We provide you with individual and well-founded support for all your inquiries.

Joelle Nussbaum
Your contact for cosmetics and pharmaceutical companies :

Joelle Nussbaum

Phone: 0781-96 94 7-243

Dirk Lorenz
Your contact for food manufacturers and retailers :

Dirk Lorenz

Phone: 0781-96 94 7-23